伏木けんかやま Fushiki Kenkayama

May 17, 2012 § Leave a comment


I went to the Fushiki Kenkayama Festival. The street was very crowded. As I was late, I couldn’t get a good photography spot. It was interesting to see the floats “fighting” (colliding) together. It has been a long time since we had such a cheerful and festive feel in Toyama.

The people in front of the floats were held by a piece of rope. It must have hurt a lot each time the floats collided.

There were people inside the floats. They were probably in charge of fixing the float after each collision. There were people playing instruments inside the floats too!

The collision part of the festival is called “Kacha”.



After they decide the winner , there’s a short dance celebration.


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